Land Valuation Training - Develop quality training approaches for property market valuation professionals for an effective property tax administration
Real Virtual Erasmus

Type of project: Leonardo da Vinci Project (2005-2007)
Project application number:RO/05/B/P/PP175018


Developing the quality of Vocational Education Training (VET) systems and practices to:

  1. Improve skills and competencies of broad range of specialists working in land administration, land market and related private sectors, and for new comers; develop modern platform of knowledge transfer that covers 3 educational stages:
    1. Vocational education
    2. Indepth training
    3. Training of trainers
  1. Enable access to information, provide target groups new forms of learning and teaching – modern teaching technologies


  1. Dissemination of European standards, best practices, and consolidate methodologies
  1. Provide guidance and counselling to land administration professionals by exchange of experience on methodologies, standards

Main outcomes:

    • Review and analyses on the existing situation in 4 European countries in terms:
    • Education in land property valuation – to identify lacks, specially requirements, best practices, potential capacities in developing modern educational approaches
    • Support in drafting of HANDBOOK on the effective training on property valuation procedures and standards for land taxation
    • Develop appropriate learning scheme


  • Regional Training Centre for Public Administration Bucharest, Romania
  • Agricultural Technological Center of Research, Vocational Training and Education – CVT, Greece
  • Asociatia Nationala A Evaluatorilor Din Romania – ANEVAR, Romania
  • Technical University of Civil Engineering, Romania
  • Oxford Brooks University, United Kingdom